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Bartending Institute Delhi Campus

India’s first Government Affiliated institute which uses LMS for teaching bartenders.

Theory and practical class timing

(Monday to Friday)

I Batch II Batch III Batch IV Batch V Batch
Theory & Practical Theory & Practical Theory& Practical Theory & practical Theory & practical
9-30 to 11-30 11-30 to 1-30 2-00 to 4-00 4-00 to 6-00 6-00 to 7-30


Flair Class Timing (Work, Exhibition & Fire Flair)

(Monday to Friday)

I Batch II Batch III Batch IV Batch V Batch
Flaring Flaring Flaring Flaring Flaring
11-30 to 1-30 9-30 to 11-30 4-00 to 6-00 2-00 to 4-00 7-30 to 9-30


Three Days special mixology class timing 8-00 am – 9-30 am 

(Monday, Wednesday, Friday)


Every Saturday Flair Competition 11-00 am to 5-00 pm

Group : A – Raj sir, B – Yogesh sir, C – Binu sir, D – Rahul sir

Delhi City

Symbolic state in presence and massive in crowd FLAIR MANIA BARTENDING Delhi associated with origin of talents and hospitality
we emerge as the best bartending academy in North India

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